Giant Hogweed Images
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G.H. - Totally enveloping stream

G.H. - Roadside infestation in flower

G.H. - Mature roadside infestation

G.H. - Immature plant along roadside

G.H. - Taking over an old farmyard

G.H. - Plants spread down riverbanks

G.H. - Plant growing on bridge buttress

G.H. - Infestation on rural stream

G.H. - Flowering plant along roadside

G.H. - Plant in flower along stream

G.H. - Flowering head ready to open

G.H. - Mature plant in flower

G.H. - Plants lining a country lane

G.H. - Plants along a country lane

G.H. - Taking over a riverside field

G.H. - Taking over a derelict property

G.H. - Flowering head after seeding

G,H, - Flower head following seeding

G.H. -Large stand following flowering